- Tzo Blato
Blato’s parish church of All Saints is mentioned in the documents from the 14th century, and some sources state that it comes from the 10th century. It is set in the centre of the town, on the spacious square. Next to it there are the bell-tower and the loggia.
The oldest part of the church is the eastern one surrounding the main altar. There is the painting on wooden panel All Saints and Madonna with the Child by the Italian renaissance master Giralomo da Santacroce. They were brought to Blato in the 1540.
A prominent object in the church is the wooden statue of Virgin Mary that was once the figurehead. The legend says it was found in a nearby cove. The statue is decorated by jewellery donated by the devotees. Regarding their age, quantity, diversity, and value those offerings make one of the richest such collections in Dalmatia.
In the large chapel there is a marble sarcophagus with the relics of St. Vincenca, the protector of Blato. St. Vincenca is a Roman martyr, and her relics were brought to Blato in 1795. Every April 28 the relics are carried in the procession that goes through the town. That is also the Day of the Municipality of Blato, and on that day the main annual performance of Kumpanija.
On the church facade there are large round windows that are typical for Dalmatia. The statuses on the top are common in the island architecture. On the west side there are St. Mark and St. John the Evangelist, and on the north side there is the bust of the Creator and the statues of prophets Elijah and Jeremiah. The prophets’ face, beard and clothes are made after the look of nobleman from the 17th and 18th century.