- Tzo Blato
Visit the small churches spread in and around Blato. They are all placed in the picturesque surroundings – in the narrow stone streets or
immersed in vineyards and olive groves. They are perfect destination of long walks or bike rides by marked hiking and bicycle trails.
Municipality of Blato has 33 churches and chapels, and the oldest ones are mentioned already in the 14th century, in the oldest found parish registers. Those churches are: the parish church, Sv. Marko (St. Mark), Sv. Ivan (St. John), Sv. Martin (St. Martin), Sv. Mihovil (St. Michael), Sv. Kuzma i Damjan (Sts. Cosmas and Damian), Sv. Juraj (St. Georg), Sv. Antun (St. Anthony), Sv. Jeronim (St. Jerome), Gospa od Poja (Our Lady of the Field) i Sv. Križ (St. Cross).
Archaeological findings prove that some of them are built over the early Christian structures. The fundaments of Our Lady of the Field are built on the fundaments of the Roman villa rustica (country house).
Most of these churches are visited in the traditional procession called Po gorah (over the hills), which is held every year in the night between Holy Thursday and Good Friday.