- Tzo Blato
Visit Blato at the time of the carnival and do not miss the munde – the carnival dance parties. You will be surprised to see the old and the young people enjoying the traditional dances, you can enjoy the traditional specialities and dance to the slightly different rhythms. And do not worry if you can’t dance, the hosts will teach you. Who knows, maybe you’ll be so good you’ll earn an orange at the end of the dance.
The carnival is the period between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday i.e. the beginning of Lent. In this the time of the year in Blato and many other towns the dances and parades are organized. But, Blato kept another tradition of carnival parties – carnival dance parties so called munde.
It is assumed that the word munde comes from the Italian word munte meaning to reserve, and that is exactly what is happening at the munde. Male dancers are reserving a dance and invite their female partners to dance with them. The traditional dances are performed accompanied with accordion.
Munde have many rules: exceptionally good female dancers get an orange from their partners, there is a master of ceremony, only the dancers that reserved a dance can dance, and if the dancer dance so vigorously to break the wooden floor he gets a new pair of shoes.
Munde are a chance to dance, but also to meet people and enjoy the traditional dishes such as limpets, smoke-dried picarels and different desserts.
Every year, at the end of July, you may enjoy splendid summer carnival in Blato.
We guarantee to all visitors of a rather special experience should they choose to take part in the Carnival. The parade takes place on the evening , when the best and most attractive masks are chosen and rich awards presented.