The island of Korčula and Blato are in the zone of the Adriatic type of the Mediterranean climate. Its summers are long, quiet, dry and warm with many sunny days, and winters are mild and humid.
The island is covered in Mediterranean flora and thick pine forest.
Average temperatures are relatively high: annual average is 16,8 °C, the coldest month of the year is January with 9,1 °C, the warmest are July and August with 26,9 °C, while average temperatures of June and September are higher then 20 °C

The average monthly air temperature:            

The average precipitation is 1.100 mm.
Their distribution is typically Mediterranean with maximum at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter and minimum in July.

The average monthly precipitation

There are several winds characteristic for the area of the island of Korčula. During the cold part of the year south (warm) and north (cold) winds alternate.
The refreshing summer wind called maestral eases the heat.

The average monthly sea temperature

The average sea temperature in May, June, September and October is 21 °C, while in July and August is 23,5 °C. This means that the swimming season on the island of Korčula lasts from May to October
Blato and the island of Korčula have around 3.000 hours of sunshine a year, and that makes Korčula one of the sunniest islands in Croatia.